Meet our Vendors

Check out some of our vendors sharing some of the items they sell.

A Few of Our Maryville Shoppe Vendors

Deb, Booth M 15

Original mixed-media epoxy art by local Maryville TN artist.

Melanie – Booth M 57

Nice variety of mid-century functional items and house decor from 1950’s to 1970’s.  

Wendy – Booth M 61

Original Folk Art, Hilarious Greeting Cards, Unique Hats and Bags

A Few of Our Farragut Shoppe Vendors

Phyllis- Booth H3

Classic place settings,  Fitz and Floyd China, oriental dishware, ginger jars, crystal, original oil paintings, seasonal decorations, florals,  chandeliers

Jessica- Booth E6

Custom embroidery and monograms, clothing, graphic tee-shirts, applique design, bows, headbands, crocheted items, jewelry.

Jessica does custom embroidery while you wait/shop?

Jessica- Booth E6

Custom embroidery and monograms, clothing, graphic tee-shirts, applique design, bows, headbands, crocheted items, jewelry.

Jessica does custom embroidery while you wait/shop?
